We understand that your time is valuable, and we strive to provide the best service possible. To help us serve you more efficiently, we kindly ask that you keep the following in mind:
- If you require our assistance with a third-party vendor installation, please provide us with as much advance notice as possible so that we can ensure the proper tech is available to assist remotely or on-site.
- Please notify us as soon as possible if you receive a notice from your ISP or power company regarding maintenance work that may cause an outage. We will keep an eye on the situation and ensure that everything returns to normal once the work is completed.
- If you need help setting up or troubleshooting remote access from your home, please schedule with us ahead of time to ensure availability of our network technician.
- To submit tickets, please use your client portal whenever possible. If you don’t have access, please reach out to your account manager for assistance. Alternatively, you can submit a ticket via email to help@dataperk.com, but please provide as much information as possible in the initial email. If all else fails, you can call us for assistance.
- Please create a new ticket for new issues rather than replying to old, closed tickets. Reference the old ticket in the new request, to avoid confusion.
- Please keep in mind that many of our staff are typically at lunch from noon-1 pm, so there may be a delay in getting immediate assistance during that hour.
- To ensure timely account and computer setups for new employees, please give us as much notice as possible. This will allow us to allocate resources in advance and get everything taken care of before the employee’s start date.
- If you plan on moving locations, please notify us as soon as possible so that we can review everything in advance. This will ensure compatibility of your equipment with the new internet service, adequate wireless coverage, ethernet drops are in good working order, and the new server room has adequate cooling, ventilation, and power.
- When Cyber Security Insurance forms are needed, please send them at least a week before they’re due, if at all possible.
- Please be aware that, most of the time, we cannot issue refunds for hardware as our vendors do not offer them. This is also why we may require prepayment for hardware as well.