Are hybrid and remote work schedules a bubble about to pop?

Does Remote Work Have a Bright Future?

Before COVID-19, working remotely in any fashion was rare (8%). If you heard of someone working on their computer from remote locations, you probably thought they were a CEO working from an island somewhere or some type of tech wiz. But everyone at least knows someone who works remotely or on a hybrid schedule. It’s anticipated that about 75% of employees will be working fully remote or on a hybrid work schedule in the future and about 90% of employees say they prefer one of those two options compared to fully on-site.

So, what does all this mean?

Most employees stated they are happy that their work-life is going in this direction.

But some employers have expressed their concern with this type of work. They have stated they are afraid to lose their company culture, the performance of teams, and productivity. These beliefs could backfire.

Employees that are forced to work on-site but would prefer to work hybrid or remote have exhibited:

  • Lower engagement within the company community
  • Lower general wellbeing
  • Higher intent to move jobs
  • High levels of burnout compared to their cyber-peers

Group Consensus 

Most employees (60%) state they would like a coordinated effort to schedule their remote/ on-site days. While managers, CEOs, and executives try to decide what works best, there are some straightforward approaches.

Consider dependence

Think about your teams and how they operate. Do most team members already work independently, or do they rely on the support of their peers and supervisors in real-time?

Decide where time is spent best

Which days work best for teams in the office? Focus less on laying down the law and more on including employees in the strategy and goal for high performance within the company!

One shoe does not fit all

It is important if not essential to get the most out of a hybrid work schedule by allowing employees or their managers to help set up these schedules. In most cases, whatever works best for them will work best for you!

If you do require on-site be

If you will require employees to be on-site, be mindful that they are creatures of emotion! Incentives and examples of good work culture in the office are much more enticing than a company-wide email saying, “No more PJs, put that suit and tie back on!”. Make sure they know they are trusted. There is no faster way to lose employees than to make them feel completely controlled and not trusted!

A Hybrid Future

Although we are still in the toddler stages of this remote work balancing act, it is very promising. Many statistics show improved work output, overall employee happiness, less wasted time, and many more pros to this style of work!

Two things are certain-

It is essential everyone stays connected! Being able to instantly chat, video call, file share, and email everyone within the company will prove to be one of the most important moving forward in the world of remote work. 

It is equally important to ensure employees are protected from Cyber Criminals. With so many different ways that these criminals steal your data (Viruses, Rootkits, worms, spyware, persistent threats, zero-day threats, and ransomware) it is vital to the safety of your company and employees that you have sophisticated cyber security measures.

If you don’t know where to start- reach out to us. We can help you make remote/ hybrid connectivity and safety a breeze!