
Outsourcing Isn’t A Dirty Word

OUTSOURCING ISN’T A DIRTY WORD: MEET YOUR IT TEAM’S NEW BEST FRIEND – MANAGED SERVICES INTRODUCTION Small-to-medium-sized businesses (SMBs) generally don’t have the resources to fully support all IT infrastructure needs. Even if your business has one or several in-house IT technicians on payroll, they’re often so bogged down by routine daily tasks that their […]

Tips for avoiding those nasty Phishing attempts

phish·ing Noun The fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers. 1. Stay informed The techniques and approaches that cybercriminals use are constantly changing. Stay up to date, informed, and well-versed in news surrounding phishing scams.  2. […]

How to change almost any document into a PDF (even on your smartphone)

How to change almost any document into a PDF (even on your smartphone) PDFs have lasted through so many tech booms and advances. It makes you wonder why are they so important? Versatility? Eh, sort of. The real beauty is knowing that your file will look the same no matter where it is in PDF […]

Can you do this at home?

If you are struggling with IT for your business, reach out and see how DataPerk can help. Can you do this at home? Outsourcing HR, real estate portfolio management, tax audits, etc. is fairly common nowadays. This blog discusses another function that, when outsourced, can bring greater efficiency and effectiveness to your business’s overall functioning–IT. […]

Access matters when things go south!

If you are struggling with IT for your business, reach out and see how DataPerk can help. Access matters when things go south! The COVID-19 pandemic brought a multitude of lessons along with it, on both the personal and professional fronts. From the business perspective, the pandemic turned things upside down across almost every industry. […]

Seven things that the pandemic taught us about data security

  If you are struggling with IT for your business, reach out and see how DataPerk can help. Seven things that the pandemic taught us about data security As workers fled home to handle everything remotely, organizations had to quickly address new threats. Questions were then raised about maintaining the integrity and safety of their data. […]

Outsourcing: an overview

  If you are struggling with IT for your business, reach out and see how DataPerk can help. Outsourcing: an overview Outsourcing today simply involves using external entities to handle specific, specialized business functions so that organizations can focus on their core competencies. The idea of seeking outside support for areas that are not core […]

5 Tech Tips you Need to know!

1. People read more slowly on computers On average, people read about 10% slower from a screen than they do if they are reading from paper! Did you know that you also blink less when looking at your screen! So, a friendly reminder to blink and maybe put some eye drops in! 2. The QWERTY […]

Three best practices to protect your data

If you are struggling with IT for your business, reach out and see how DataPerk can help. Three best practices to protect you and your data. While malware and phishing attacks have evolved and are constantly becoming more and more sophisticated, there are ways to protect your data from them. Here are two best practices […]

Ransomware vs other malware attacks

  Ransomware vs. other malware attacks There is no end to the volume and type of malware out there in cyberspace. For a very long time, organizations were aware that viruses could attack their data, render it corrupted and unusable. They were also aware that malware was used to steal data and use it for–primarily–monetary […]