The import and export features can be used for several very important and/or useful tasks. The following are a few of the more important uses of import and export.
- Backing up your Outlook data: This may include data such as contacts, calendars, mail, etc…
- Transfering Outlook data from one computer to another.
Getting Started: Export
1. Open Outlook 2007

2. Locate File in the File Menu at the top left-hand corner of the window. Left-click on: File as shown below.

3. From the File Menu, you should see Import and Export… listed in the menu. Typically it will be close to the middle of the menu options window. Left-click on: Import and Export…

4. This should start the Import and Export Wizard. You’ll notice many other options here that may be of use to you and/or your company. However for the this tutorial, we are going to select the Import from another program or file option by left-clicking Import from another program or file as shown here. *Please note: Typically this option is selected by default.*

5. Once you have selected the action you would like to perform, left-click the Next button to proceed.

6. On the Import a File window, you are able to scroll through the list by clicking the down arrow as shown below. The option we are using for this tutorial is further down the list.

- Scroll through the list until you see Personal Folder File (.pst). Left-click on Personal Folder File (.pst) to select it.

- Once you have selected the desired file type to import from, left-click Next to proceed. *Please note: You must select the file type of the file you exported and/or saved previously. Otherwise the file may not be visible during the selection process later.*

7. The next window allows you to begin the process of selecting the file location. If you would like to type the file location, you may do so by typing the address into the area with the blue highlighted text. To select the location via a menu, left-click the Browse button near the top right.

8. In part 1 of this tutorial, the “backup.pst” file was saved under the directory: “C:MyEmail” *Please note: For assistance with navigating to the correct file location, please refer to: Optional Export Location Method listed under: Outlook 2007: Import and Export (Part 1:Export)*. Either double left-click the folder name, or select it and click Open at the bottom right corner to proceed.

9. Select the desired file by left-clicking it as shown.

10. Left-click Open to proceed with the import process.

11. Under the Import Personal Folders window you may now select whether you would like to import duplicate items, replace them, or simply not import them. For this tutorial I have selected Do not import duplicates.
*Please note: Be careful when choosing to replace duplicates with items imported. This may overwrite some of the existing data. In the event of a calendar item, contact, and/or etc… it may replace the information of one contact with the information from a contact with the same name.*

12. Once you have selected the desired option for duplicate items, left-click Next to continue.

13. The options listed below were selected by default. I exported my Mailbox – Eric Armstrong folder previously so importing it back into those folders would be fine since I am not importing duplicates. In most cases the default options here are fine. There may be cases where you want to select a different location. You may scroll through the list here and point it to a folder specifically if you prefer. Once you have completed this process, left-click: Finish to continue.