1. Open Outlook.

2. Select: Tools from the file menu at the top of the window.

3. From the Tools menu, Select: Account Settings as shown below.

4. From the Account Settings window, make sure you are on the tab labeled: E-mail. This tab should display all the current email accounts associated with your Outlook client software.

5. For this exercise, I have created a pop email account to demonstrate the setting changes required for SMTP Authentication. Double Left-click the account you would like to modify as shown in the example below.

6. On the Change E-mail Account window, Select the: More Settings… button in the bottom-right corner.

7. Next left-click on the Outgoing Server tab as shown below.

8. Left-click the check box labeled: My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication as shown in the example.

9. For your DataPerk hosted email, your SMTP credentials will be the same as your incoming server. Insure that the radio button labeled: Use same settings as my incoming mail server is selected.

10. This should complete the required SMTP Authentication process. Left-click: Ok to begin the process of closing the email account windows.

11. Left-click on the Close button at the top of the next three windows to get back to your Outlook email.