Windows Computer Problems Solved: A Comprehensive Troubleshooting Guide and how to fix the issues.

Windows computers are incredibly useful tools in our daily lives, but when issues arise, they can be frustrating and disruptive. From slow performance to boot failures, there are a variety of problems that can occur with Windows computers. These problems can be overwhelming, affect workflow, slow down entire teams and be massive headaches. However, with the right troubleshooting steps, you can resolve many of these issues on your own. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the most common problems that Windows users encounter and provide step-by-step solutions to get your computer back up and running smoothly. Let’s jump in!

Table of Contents

(click a listed item to transport to that section)

  1. Introduction
  2. Run a Thorough Virus Scan
  3. Update Your Software
  4. Cut Down on Bloat
  5. Test Your Wi-Fi Connection
  6. Reinstall the Operating System
  7. Troubleshooting BIOS Phase Issues
  8. Troubleshooting Boot Loader Phase Issues
  9. Troubleshooting Kernel Phase Issues
  10. Additional Tips for Windows Computer Problems


1. Introduction

Windows computers are susceptible to various problems that can impact their performance and functionality. Whether it’s a virus infection, outdated software, or hardware-related issue, troubleshooting these problems is essential to maintain a smooth computing experience. In this guide, we will cover a range of troubleshooting techniques to help you diagnose and resolve common issues with your Windows computer.


2. Run a Thorough Virus Scan

One of the primary causes of computer problems is malware or viruses. These malicious programs can slow down your computer, cause crashes, and compromise your data. These cyber infections can happen to most people, and often do. They can come from something as simple as an accidental link click but can lead to major issues down the road. It is essential to get a catch them as early as possible. To start troubleshooting, it’s crucial to run a thorough virus scan using reliable antivirus software. Here are the steps to run a comprehensive virus scan:

  • Launch your antivirus software and ensure it is up to date.
  • Initiate a deep scan that thoroughly examines all files and folders on your computer.
  • Leave the scan running until it completes, as this may take some time.
  • If any threats are detected, follow the prompts to remove or quarantine them.

While antivirus software is effective, it’s always a good idea to get a second opinion. Consider using lightweight, on-demand scanners like Microsoft Safety Scanner to complement your primary antivirus software.


3. Update Your Software

Outdated software, including the operating system, can lead to a variety of issues on your Windows computer. Software updates often include bug fixes, security patches, and performance improvements. Some cyber security software can’t even function properly on outdated software. To troubleshoot problems related to outdated software, follow these steps:

  • Open the settings on your Windows computer.
  • Navigate to the “Update & security” section.
  • Check for any pending updates for your operating system.
  • Install all available updates to ensure your computer has the latest software versions.

It’s also essential to update other applications, such as your web browser and antivirus software. Check for updates within each application and install them to keep your system running smoothly.


4. Cut Down on Bloat

Over time, your Windows computer may accumulate unnecessary programs and files, leading to sluggish performance and system instability. To troubleshoot these issues, it’s crucial to cut down on bloat by removing unused applications and files. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Open the “Apps” section in the Windows settings.
  • Uninstall any applications that you no longer need or use.
  • On macOS, drag the app shortcut to the trash to remove it.
  • Additionally, review your browser extensions and disable any unnecessary ones.
  • In Google Chrome, go to “More Tools” > “Extensions” and enable/disable extensions as needed.

Removing unnecessary files is also essential for optimizing your computer’s performance. Delete duplicate photos, videos, and other files that are taking up valuable storage space. The less bloated your system, the fewer problems you’ll encounter.


5. Test Your Wi-Fi Connection

There is a chance you may have already tried this step, but it is a problem we encounter with our clients frequently. If you’re experiencing internet-related problems, troubleshooting your Wi-Fi connection is essential. Here’s how you can identify and fix common Wi-Fi issues:

  • Connect your computer directly to the router using an Ethernet cable.
  • If you can access the internet through the wired connection but not Wi-Fi, the issue may lie with your Wi-Fi network.
  • Restart your router and try connecting again.
  • If some devices can connect to Wi-Fi while others can’t, reboot the devices and update their software.
  • If the problem persists, consult your router’s documentation or perform a web search for troubleshooting tips specific to your router model.

By following these steps, you can determine whether the problem lies with your router, specific devices, or the Wi-Fi network itself.


6. Reinstall the Operating System

If all else fails and your Windows computer is still experiencing issues, reinstalling the operating system can provide a clean slate and resolve many problems. Here’s how you can reinstall Windows:

  • Access the “Recovery” section in the Windows settings.
  • Choose the option to reset your PC or start the reinstallation process.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to reinstall Windows.
  • Before proceeding, ensure that you have backed up all important data.

Reinstalling the operating system effectively removes any problematic software, viruses, or system errors that may be causing issues. However, note that reinstalling the operating system will erase all data on your computer, so be sure to back up your files beforehand.


7. Troubleshooting BIOS Phase Issues

The BIOS phase is the initial stage of the boot process, where the computer’s firmware performs a power-on self-test (POST) and loads firmware settings. If your computer gets stuck at this phase, it may indicate a hardware problem. Here are some troubleshooting steps for BIOS phase issues:

  • Disconnect any external peripherals connected to your computer.
  • Check if the hard disk drive light on your computer is functioning.
  • Press the NumLock key to see if the indicator light toggles on and off.

If your computer remains stuck at the BIOS phase, it’s recommended to consult a professional technician for further assistance, as it may indicate a hardware failure.

8. Troubleshooting Boot Loader Phase Issues

If your computer displays a black screen with a blinking cursor or shows error codes related to the boot loader phase, troubleshooting the boot loader becomes necessary. Here are some steps you can take to resolve boot loader phase issues:

  • Use Windows installation media to start your computer.
  • Press Shift+F10 to open a command prompt.
  • Use the startup repair tool to automatically fix common problems or diagnose more complex ones.
  • If the startup repair tool doesn’t resolve the issue, try repairing boot codes or fixing BCD errors using the appropriate commands.
  • As a last resort, you can replace the Bootmgr file or restore the system hive to fix boot loader problems.

Follow these steps carefully, and if necessary, consult Microsoft’s official documentation for more detailed instructions on troubleshooting boot loader phase issues.


9. Troubleshooting Kernel Phase Issues

The kernel phase is where the Windows operating system kernel loads into memory, and the system session initializes. If your computer gets stuck during this phase or displays error messages, additional troubleshooting steps are required. Here are some methods to troubleshoot kernel phase issues:

  • Start your computer in Safe Mode or Last Known Good Configuration to isolate the problem.
  • Use Event Viewer to identify and diagnose boot problems by reviewing the system and application logs.
  • Perform a clean boot to troubleshoot problems caused by third-party services.
  • If driver-related issues are causing the problem, disable or update the problematic drivers.
  • Use system file checker (SFC) or check disk (chkdsk) commands to fix file or disk corruption issues.
  • If registry corruption is suspected, try restoring the system hive or repairing the registry.

By following these troubleshooting techniques, you can identify and resolve issues that occur during the kernel phase of the boot process.



10. Additional Tips for Windows Computer Problems

In addition to the specific troubleshooting steps mentioned above, here are some general tips to help you troubleshoot and prevent common problems with your Windows computer:

  • Keep your computer and software up to date with the latest updates and security patches.
  • Regularly back up your important files to prevent data loss in case of system failures.
  • Use reliable antivirus software and perform regular scans to detect and remove malware.
  • Keep your computer free of unnecessary files and applications to optimize performance.
  • Maintain a stable internet connection by regularly restarting your router and updating its firmware.
  • Avoid downloading files or visiting suspicious websites that may contain malware.
  • Use strong, unique passwords for your accounts and enable two-factor authentication for added security.
  • Consider using a reliable backup solution or cloud storage service to ensure the safety of your files.

By following these additional tips, you can enhance the security and performance of your Windows computer and reduce the likelihood of encountering common problems.


Windows computer problems can be frustrating, but with the right troubleshooting techniques, many issues can be resolved without professional help. By running thorough virus scans, keeping your software up to date, cutting down on bloat, testing your Wi-Fi connection, and reinstalling the operating system if necessary, you can address common problems and ensure optimal performance. Additionally, by understanding the different boot phases and applying troubleshooting methods specific to each phase, you can effectively diagnose and resolve issues that may arise. Remember to follow best practices for computer maintenance and security to prevent future problems. With these troubleshooting tips, you can keep your Windows computer running smoothly and avoid unnecessary disruptions.