1. Left-click the: Start button on your task bar. It should resemble the icon below, though it varies based of the version of Windows you are currently running.

2. From the Start Menu, Left-click on the Run option.

- Please note: If you do not see a Run option as shown below, you may press and hold the Windows key on your keyboard
, and tap the R key one time, to bring up the Run Window.
3. From the Run Window, type services.msc into the field, and left-click Ok to continue.

4. At the Services window, left-click on the scroll bar as shown below and drag the button down to view objects towards the end of the list. Scroll down to the services that begin with W.

5. Locate and left-click the service labeled: Windows Firewall. *Note* This service may be labeled: Windows Firewall and Internet Connection Sharing on previous versions of Windows.

6. After you have highlighted the Windows Firewall Service, right-click the service to display the menu as shown below. Navigate down the menu and left-click on Properties.

7. From the Windows Firewall left-click: Stop.

8. Left-click the drop down menu.

9. To permanently disable the firewall, select Disabled from the drop down menu.

10. Left-click Apply in the bottom-right corner.

11. Left-click Ok at the bottom-middle.

12. Now left-click the X at the top-right to close the Services window.